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Gradient red rose bouquet
The red rose bouquet is considered one of the most beautiful and gentle bouquets of roses, which is characterized by its elegant and different shape, Roses are one of the most beautiful things in life, so they are one of the best gifts.
About the gradient red rose bouquet
- The bouquet includes 19 red and natural roses so it gives a beautiful scent.
- The red bouquet of roses has an elegant shape where the roses are placed in a gradient shape, making it unique and distinctive.
The package
comes in black packaging with an elegant red ribbon for added luxury and sophistication.- The tiered red rose bouquet is very suitable for marriage and engagement occasions and is a great gift on Valentine’s Day.
Features about the gradient red rose bouquet
- It is characterized by the shape of the gradient red rose, which differs from traditional bouquets, In addition to its very elegant packaging.
- This bouquet is large in size, as it contains the right number of roses for a stunning bouquet at the end.
- A bouquet of red roses is very elegant, so it is one of the distinctive
bouquets of roses
at Azahir store. - It is an expressive and distinctive gift on special occasions, as it contains beautiful natural roses in shape and smell, so it is ideal for girls who prefer roses and those with good taste.
Brand | Azaher |
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