Pink bouquet of roses


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Pink bouquet of roses



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A pink rose bouquet that includes a number of natural roses and is characterized by a beautiful pink color, It catches the eye with its beauty and distinctive scent and is one of the wonderful packages that can be presented as a gift on many occasions.

About Pink Bouquet of Roses

  • A pink bouquet of roses consists of 50 roses.
  • The package comes in distinctive and attractive packaging.
  • The bouquet includes natural roses with a wonderful and fresh aroma.
  • A bouquet of roses can be given as a gift on many occasions.
  • A

    bouquet of roses

    is one of the best and most beautiful gifts that a person can give to his loved one.

Features of Pink Rose Bouquet

  • The bouquet is characterized by the fact that it includes roses that are characterized by a simple and beautiful pink color.
  • This bouquet is medium as it includes 50 roses.
  • The pink
    of roses from Azahir store is characterized by being made of natural roses and its attractive smell, in addition to the distinctive packaging.
  • Bouquets of roses are characterized by their appropriate size, which you can increase as you wish, in addition to the appropriate prices provided by the store.
  • The pink bouquet is one of the favorite


    of many girls in particular.



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