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Perennial red roses
Perennial red roses rose, Azahir store offers a long-term bouquet of roses that is one of the distinctive and most requested
of roses, Perennial roses are one of the best types of roses that can be given as a wonderful gift that will remain a memory.
About Perennial Red Roses
- This bouquet consists of two roses of natural roses.
- The bouquet of roses comes inside a transparent vase.
- This bouquet is considered one of the very special and unforgettable gifts.
- Perennial roses
are most often presented to loved ones or friends as an expression of their strong relationship which they wish to be lasting for life.
Features of perennial red roses
- This package has a very elegant shape as it comes inside a beautiful and elegant vase.
- Durable red roses are distinguished by their distinctive and eye-catching color and their distinctive scent.
- The bouquet features 2 natural roses.
- This package is characterized by being long-lasting that lives for five years or more.
- The bouquet can be given as a great gift to a friend or lover of someone you want to stay with you until the end of life.
- Bouquets of
are distinguished by their attractive shape and the store’s reliance on natural roses only.
Brand | Azaher |
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