Large pink bouquet of roses


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Large pink bouquet of roses


  • The roses are placed in an amphitheater form with its magnificent green branches, Then it is wrapped in a distinctive ribbon that matches the color of the bouquet.
  • This bouquet includes 27 natural roses of the type of


  • The bouquet 

    is wrapped very elegantly.

  • Pink Rose Bouquet can be presented as a special gift to someone to congratulate them; finding the perfect gift for your loved one is a difficult challenge in itself especially if they already have everything and there are no other ideas to give them.
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The large pink bouquet is considered one of the best bouquets of roses in the Azahir store, because it is characterized by a pink rose in color in addition to its distinctive and elegant shape.

About Big Pink Tiered Package

  • The roses are placed in an amphitheater form with its magnificent green branches, Then it is wrapped in a distinctive ribbon that matches the color of the bouquet.
  • This bouquet includes 27 natural roses of the type of
  • The bouquet 

    is wrapped very elegantly.

  • Pink Rose Bouquet can be presented as a special gift to someone to congratulate them; finding the perfect gift for your loved one is a difficult challenge in itself especially if they already have everything and there are no other ideas to give them.

Features of the large pink tiered package

  • This bouquet of pink gradient roses is characterized by its wonderful shape that captures the hearts of everyone who sees it.
  • Pink rose bouquet has a fragrant scent like no other, so if you send it to someone, you will surely have their heart touched by these delicate roses.
  • One of the most important features of this bouquet is that it includes

    natural roses

    that last for a while.
  • The bouquet is characterized by a beautiful pink color and is very delicate.
  • The bouquet can be presented on many special occasions because it is one of the distinctive bouquets of roses.



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Large pink bouquet of roses
